Und das schreiben Mette und Niels Vilsbøll über Fanni - Flat-Hunter's Strili Fanni, date of birth 04.03.2014:
Fanni is a working dog with passion for retrieving warm game. She is used on estate hunting for retrieving different kinds of ducks, pheasants and wood cocks approximately 14 times in the hunting season. She is also used as a flushing dog on peasants hunts (driven hunts) on all kinds of game approximately 10 times in the hunting season.
She is more a hunting dog than a trial dog, but has passed the qualifying test, passed the working test beginner, two first prizes in beginner class B, second prize in open class B. She has also achieved excellent at show.
Fanni loves to train and has a great water passion. She likes to cooperate with her handler but is also very self-employed. So sometimes she trusts more on her own instincts than the handler's instructions ????
She is a small, feminine dog with expressive eyes. She seeks her people and follows them where she can. She is a good, loving family dog who is good at dealing with children and other dogs. At hunting, however, she does not see any other dogs or people - she is only focusing on hunting. In short, Fanni is a happy dog who wants to be trained, used and involved.